

Hub-EA dedicated platform for Executive Assistants

Hub-EA dedicated platform for Executive Assistants

Vonlanthen Conferences introduces a new “Hub-EA” platform dedicated exclusively to our Executive Assistants Community.    

Hub-EA is a platform for Executive Assistants to find a perfect opportunity to meet new friends and learn useful things they need in their demanding profession. They can choose to attend one of our summits or online conferences that will help them develop personally and professionally and make crucial decisions in their career paths.    

While attending our conferences, Executive Assistants get insights from leading executive professionals and join the lively discussion and inspirational workshops.    

Through their extensive industry experience, speakers offer the best opportunities for EA’s and PA’s to enhance their skills and keep up with the latest trends and technology features in the field.       

Vonlanthen Group is a company that has garnished vast experience over the years in the events organizing industry, and partnering with Hub-EA efforts will engage in monthly delivering handy tips for Executive Assistants, and providing the best connecting experience, Face2Face or virtually.